
NZ 유학 후 이민


유학 후 이민


뉴질랜드 영주권 신청 시 영어 점수

유학 후 이민을 준비 하시다 보면 취업과 함께 젤 부담 스러운 것 중 하나가 바로 영어 점수 입니다.

호주의 경우 스폰까지 다 찾앗는데도 IELTS 점수가 나오지 않아서 신청을 못 하는 경우도 종종 있는 볼 수 있습니다. 


그럼 뉴질랜드의 경우 영주권 신청 시 English Requirement 가 어떻게 되는지 알아 보도록 하겠습니다.



다음은 이민성 안내입니다.






뉴질랜드 경우 영주권 신청 시 IELTS 점수를 제출 하게 되어 있습니다.

하지만 아래의 노랑에서 보듯이

Diploma(Level 4, 5, 6 과정중에서요) 학위를 수료 하게 되면 영어점수 면제 받게 됩니다.



English language requirements

Everyone included in your Skilled Migrant Category application will have to meet our minimum standards of English. The standard that the principal applicant must meet is different to the standard his/her partner and children must meet.

Principal applicants

For the principal applicant (the person making the application) the minimum standard of English is an International English Language Testing Systems (IELTS) certificate, with an overall band score of 6.5 or better in the General or Academic modules. The certificate must be less than two years old.


However, you may not have to take the IELTS test, if you can show us that you:

·         have a recognised qualification from a course taught entirely in English

·         have ongoing skilled employment in New Zealand, and have been in the job for at least the last 12 months

·         have other evidence that you are competent in English - we will consider the evidence that you provide.

Partners and children

Everyone else included in the application who is aged 16 and over must also meet a minimum standard of English. We accept the following proof of ability:

·         A recognised qualification from a course taught entirely in English.

·         You are in ongoing skilled employment in New Zealand, and have been for at least 12 months. 

·         You have sufficient schooling in English: 

·         primary and at least three years' secondary schooling, 

·         five years' secondary schooling, or  

·         tertiary course of at least three years' length.

·         You have certain secondary certificates with passes in English classes: 

·         General Certificate of Education (GCE) 'A' levels from Britain or Singapore,

·         Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, 

·         Hong Kong Advanced Level Examinations (HKALE) including Use of English, 

·         University of Cambridge in collaboration with University of Malaysia, General Certificate of English (GCE) 'A' levels, 

·         International Baccalaureate, full diploma in English Medium, 

·         STPM 920 (Malaysia), with A or B pass in English Literature, 

·         South African Matriculation Certificate, with minimum D pass in English (Higher Grade), 

·         South African Senior Certificate, with minimum D pass in English (Higher Grade), endorsed as 'matriculation exempt', or 

·         New Zealand tertiary entrance qualification gained on completing year 13 or seventh form.

·         You have a recent IELTS certificate with an overall band score of 5 or better in the General or Academic modules.

In all cases, we may still require an IELTS certificate.

What if we do not meet the minimum standard?

If your partner or child(ren) aged 16 years or older do not meet the requirements above, you can choose to pay for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) tuition in New Zealand. This allows your partner and child(ren) to improve their English after they arrive in New Zealand.


You purchase this tuition from New Zealand’s Tertiary Education Commission.  We will only grant you a residence class visa once the tuition charge is paid.


Your partner and child(ren) have five years in which to complete the ESOL tuition you have paid for.


Your partner’s and child(ren)’s IELTS score – across all four bands – determines the amount you have to pay for pre-purchased ESOL tuition.  If you are not able to supply an IELTS certificate, you have to pay the maximum charge. The charge to be paid includes an administration fee and an ESOL entitlement tuition fee. The ESOL entitlement is the amount of money you can use as tuition fees.


Overall IELTS score 

Charge to be paid

ESOL Entitlement

4.5 or more but less than 5



4 or more but less than 4.5



3.5 or more but less than 4



Less than 3.5





영어점수가 학력으로 대체 될 수 있다는 것은 유학 후 이민을 준비 하시는 분들께는 확실하게 메리트가 있다고 생각이 됩니다. 


뉴질랜드 유학 후 이민 관련 궁금 하신 부분은 언제든지 문의 주시기 바랍니다.




첨부파일 다운로드:

유카스 오시는 길!!  

지하철 1호선 종각역에서 오실 수 있습니다.

피로엔 박카스! 어학연수/유학 그리고 워킹홀리데이는 유카스 !!!

한사람 한사람의 개성과 능력 그리고 목적에 적합한 어학연수/유학/워킹홀리데이를 안내 해 드립니다.

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  • 트위터 공유
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첫 페이지로 이동 이전 페이지로 이동   1    2  


유카스 유학원 (유학카스텔로)대표: 김재민ㅣEmail: ucas@ucas.co.kr

사업자 번호: 101-11-10205 ㅣ 통신판매신고번호: 2015-서울 종로-0559

직업정보제공사업신고 번호: 제2016-22호ㅣ 직업상담사 번호: 2022-06-820571

주소: 서울시 종로구 청계천로 71 계원빌딩 10층 1004호ㅣTEL: 02-734-0550

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